
Lowering Licensing Costs Through Expert Assessment

We initially built trust with our client, a regional hospital, through virtualization, storage modernization, and networking projects. The hospital worked with another value-added reseller (VAR) when it underwent a Microsoft licensing audit. Our client’s previous VAR did not correctly assign Microsoft licenses, resulting in exorbitant penalty costs. Due to our client’s lack of support, it hired BlueAlly to complete an assessment related to its Microsoft licensing audit. This assessment reduced licensing costs by optimizing the data center infrastructure and associated Microsoft licensing to align business-critical applications and Microsoft licensing needs best.


The Cllient

Our client is a regional hospital in the United States. It has over 75 physicians who provide medical services across diverse specialties.

med students

The Cllient

Our client is a regional hospital in the United States. It has over 75 physicians who provide medical services across diverse specialties.

The Problem

The regional hospital’s Microsoft audit resulted in high penalty costs that strained the organization’s bottom line. Our client previously received subpar Microsoft support and licensing management, inefficient consultation, and poor customer experiences. The hospital did not have the manpower to undertake this extensive project, with proper licensing requiring a comprehensive assessment of its data center infrastructure and on-site IT environments. As a result of these complexities and the high costs resulting from its initial audit, our client expanded its existing relationship with us, collaborating closely to tackle this complex undertaking.

The BlueAlly Solution

We provided tailored support to the hospital, evaluating their data center infrastructure and assisting with licensing complexities, including SQL databases, and Microsoft 365 solutions. Our team ensured direct access to support technicians with a deep understanding of their technological infrastructure and licensing requirements.

The Results

In this assessment, we enhanced our client’s data center infrastructure and IT environment by utilizing our expertise as a Microsoft Solutions Partner with certifications in Modern Work, Digital and App Innovation, Azure, and Infrastructure. The success of this project strengthened our relationship with the regional hospital, as our client particularly appreciated our unbiased approach to consultation. Through this unbiased approach, we thoroughly evaluated the hospital’s technological needs and recommended various solutions based on those needs, rather than promoting a specific vendor. Our expert guidance reduced the client’s Microsoft licensing costs by consolidating licensing across its data center infrastructure, SQL databases, Microsoft M365, and Client Access Licenses (CALs), allowing the hospital to focus on providing crucial services to its patients.


Tailored Support

Provided frictionless access to specialized customer support


Cost Reduction

Consolidated licensing across various domains to lower licensing costs

Staff Enablement

Expert Consultation

Provided adept guidance to help the client navigate licensing complexities

Excellent Service_Gradient

Peace of Mind

Minimized the risk of future penalties through a proactive MS licensing audit