
Global Client Portal for Reporting


The Recall Corporation

The Recall Corporation is a software company that offers document management services and solutions that include document storage, retrieval, digital conversion, data protection, and secure destruction.

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The Recall Corporation

The Recall Corporation is a software company that offers document management services and solutions that include document storage, retrieval, digital conversion, data protection, and secure destruction.

The Problem

For the Recall Corporation, challenges arose from evolving field requests, diverse industry-specific reporting needs, and the need to provide swift access to critical service level information for major clients. Meeting legal and governmental data protection requirements added to the complexity, requiring a comprehensive business analysis and the design of a robust architecture and report structure.

The BlueAlly Solution

BlueAlly designed and implemented a comprehensive reporting system to function efficiently in 29 countries, 24/7, and across 7 languages. The key achievement was ensuring quick access to service level information for major clients, particularly in highly regulated sectors. The new reports enable clients to assess quantitative information about their use of stored data while ensuring compliance with strict guidelines for record destruction, supporting Recall’s growth in the dynamic information landscape.

The Results

Consultants at BlueAlly conducted a detailed business analysis, created an effective architecture, and developed a report structure that transformed the Recall Corporation.

Global Accessibility

The solution by BlueAlly provides clients in 29 countries with 24/7 support, ensuring a globally accessible reporting system.

Customized Reporting

Clients benefit from tailored reports designed to meet specific industry and business needs, accommodating diverse requests from field operations and ensuring flexibility in reporting structures.

Compliance Assurance

The new reports address the challenge of meeting legal and governmental data protection requirements. Clients gain assurance that their critical information, managed by Recall, adheres to the strictest guidelines, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Growth Support

Clients can now evaluate quantitative information about their use of warehoused data. The solution supports Recall's growth by providing a robust reporting system in a world of expanding information needs, particularly crucial for major clients like financial institutions, law firms, and global organizations.

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