
Core Network Transformation to Facilitate Market Expansion

Our client, an American telecommunications provider, expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic as federal funding promoted equal access to high-speed Internet, remote work, and content streaming in rural areas. This heightened demand exposed limitations in the service provider's network, hindering its ability to capitalize on new market opportunities. Our client needed to redesign its core network infrastructure but lacked the expertise to undertake this massive transformation. The internet service provider collaborated with BlueAlly to overcome these challenges, deploying a future-proofed network infrastructure within 18 months that empowered our client with the competitive edge needed to support its growing customer base and continued market expansion.

City Network

Telecommunications Service Provider

Our client is a telecommunications service provider based in the United States, specializing in business and residential triple-play services (Voice, Video, and Data) solutions. The company has over 40 employees and generated over $20 million in revenue in 2023.

BlueAlly Data Center

Telecommunications Service Provider

Our client is a telecommunications service provider based in the United States, specializing in business and residential triple-play services (Voice, Video, and Data) solutions. The company has over 40 employees and generated over $20 million in revenue in 2023.

The Problem 

As its business grew, our client’s network became strained under higher capacity demands in its Internet, television, and voice services. The service provider also risked incurring substantial costs from purchasing more IP addresses to serve its growing customer base. Additionally, our client’s network security risk escalated as its business expanded, potentially resulting in significant ransom payments to resume operations after a cyberattack. Few managed service providers can evaluate and integrate the diverse solutions required for a core network redesign, with our client quickly outgrowing a solution previously deployed by another managed services provider.  

The BlueAlly Solution

The service provider chose BlueAlly as a trusted partner due to our established relationship supporting its IT ecosystem, server, and storage needs. This project presented immense complexities, necessitating a complete transformation of the service provider’s core backbone network from a flat Layer 2 network to a hierarchical Layer 3 network with enhanced scalability, resiliency, and flexibility. Our expert network engineers worked closely with our client’s technical stakeholders throughout the project, choosing hardware and software that solved the service provider’s networking constraints while future-proofing its infrastructure for customer growth.  

We configured and deployed Juniper Networks’ MX480 Universal Routing Platform in our client’s core backbone network and Juniper Networks’ MX304 solution in its edge routers. In deploying these networking solutions, we leveraged our Juniper Elite Plus Level Partnership, providing our client with quick, cost-efficient network resolution and Juniper Partner Support. We also configured and deployed Corero’s DDoS mitigation solution and a CGNAT solution across the service provider’s extensive network footprint. 

The Results

Our collaboration resulted in a resilient, scalable core network that met our client’s security, capacity, and service delivery requirements. Juniper’s Universal Routing Platforms empowered the internet service provider with scalable 100G and 400G capacities to support its customers’ bandwidth needs. Meanwhile, Corero’s network security solution sits in line on our client’s MX routers, enabling the service provider to sample inbound traffic then update firewall policies automatically to block malicious traffic at the edge of the network. This allows our client to monitor and remediate real-time traffic anomalies more efficiently than its previous cloud-based DDoS mitigation tool. Corero’s solution can also be sold as an add-on service to the service provider’s connectivity customers, enhancing sales enablement.  

We deployed a CGNAT solution in our client’s network that allowed multiple customers to share a single IP address, providing additional cost savings through preserving IPv4 and enabling IPv6 protocols. In completing this project, BlueAlly implemented a tailored solution that mitigated the complexities and costs of a core network transformation, empowering the service provider with a scalable, resilient network infrastructure that positioned it for long-term revenue growth and continued business success. 

Cost Efficiency

Saved substantial costs by improving operational agility and technical capabilities.


Provided scalable, high-capacity bandwidth to serve customers’ escalating data requirements.


Empowered our client with a more resilient DDoS Mitigation service to scrub malicious traffic.

Sales Enablement

Enhanced our client’s ability to win sales and compete for contracts in new markets.

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