
Cloud Migration to Secure Government Infrastructure

Our client, a large local government body, relied on unsupported, on-premises Microsoft systems and technologies, leaving its infrastructure vulnerable to significant security risks. As a result, the government body recognized the need to modernize its expansive IT infrastructure, spanning thousands of users, systems, and applications. However, it lacked the resources to complete such a vast project.
These security risks were untenable for a government body that provides essential services to thousands of county residents. After a rigorous Request for Proposal (RFP) process, the local government body chose BlueAlly as a trusted partner to complete its Microsoft cloud migration project. We completed this immense migration within two years, meeting the government body’s deadline and budget requirements while satisfying our client’s unique technology and security needs.

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The Client

Our client is a large local government body, including over 25 departments serving the surrounding region through local programs and services.


The Client

Our client is a large local government body, including over 25 departments serving the surrounding region through local programs and services.

The Problem

The local government body was not eligible for support, modern features, or security patches due to its reliance on outdated Microsoft technologies. Government bodies with outdated technologies are prime targets for exploitation because cybercriminals can gain access and deploy ransomware through significant gaps in their outdated IT infrastructure. The government body also struggled with costly legacy technologies, including AirWatch and Enterprise Vault. In addition, our client faced technology silos in its IT infrastructure, preventing optimal productivity due to a lack of real-time collaboration through a single source of truth for documents and other resources.

The BlueAlly Solution

As a Microsoft Gold Certified partner, we were well suited to meet our client’s cloud migration needs. The government body partnered with BlueAlly due to our proven expertise, with our proposal scoring more points than all competitors during the RFP process. We migrated our client’s extensive on-premises systems to Microsoft Office 365 within two years, collaborating closely with the government body to provide comprehensive user training, support, and administrative and governance training.

We completed the migration project in stages, including security and email, Microsoft 365 rollout, data migration to SharePoint, migration of SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online, and

Microsoft Teams implementation. We maintained flexible scheduling throughout the process, consistently holding regular meetings to adapt to our client’s unique constraints.

“BlueAlly was an extremely knowledgeable, technically adept partner that tailored this cloud migration to our technological needs,” said our client’s IT Senior Project Manager. “This was a highly collaborative process, with BlueAlly maintaining constant communication throughout implementation, helping us save costs, improve security, and enhance productivity across our vast IT infrastructure.”

The Results

BlueAlly provided a seamless implementation experience to the local government organization, applying our specialized expertise to modernize outdated legacy infrastructure that required immense technical attention. The project was executed according to the client’s precise technology and business requirements, leaving the government body extremely satisfied with our personalized approach to customer service.

This cloud migration enabled our client to access the full security features, patches, and technical support offered to Microsoft-compliant businesses. Through this cloud migration, the government body decommissioned costly legacy technologies and improved the reliability of its vast IT infrastructure. Additionally, technology siloes were collapsed to enhance productivity. Through BlueAlly’s solution, the local government body successfully modernized its IT infrastructure across dozens of government departments. This enabled long-term cost savings, facilitated growth, and ensured business continuity.

Risk Avoidance

Cloud infrastructure that is fully supported by Microsoft security patches.

Enhanced Collaboration

Agile cloud infrastructure collapsed technology siloes to enable real-time collaboration.

Cost Savings

Long-term cost savings by decommissioning legacy technologies.


Allows our client to scale up its infrastructure according to government growth.

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