
SD-Access Multi-Site Design

Networking, Security

PETER WELCHER | Solutions Architect 

This blog covers some of the topics you might want to consider when designing an SD-Access deployment for more than one site.  

Previous blogs in this series include: 

  • ADD LINK To “SD-Access Single-Site Design” 

So what’s the big deal? We covered how to plan and design a single site (at a high level, at least). The rest is details: which VN’s, which SG’s, what IP pools, floor plans for wireless heat maps, etc.  

Well, yes and no. When you have several or many sites, everything becomes bigger and more critical. Planning is part of providing robustness. There is also large deployment planning, but that is a separate topic.  

You can certainly proceed site-by-site and probably succeed. My preference is to organize a bit upfront and also plan the big picture. You can get by without that. But doing it upfront may be helpful. Figuring it out on the fly can easily leave you with inconsistencies or re-work.   

Multi-Site Topology Review 

In case you were expecting more details of multi-site, well, it’s a bunch of sites. We know what sites look like at this point.  

They’re connected by either global core routing, VRF’s across the core, or SD-Access Transit VXLAN tunnels. The “Securing SD-Access Traffic” blog covered that.  

The following diagrams are intended to pull the previous material together for you, summarizing the topology. The diagrams suggest the cabling / connectivity but have been simplified to reduce clutter. (Yes, drawing lots of “bowtie” connections isn’t appealing at the time I am writing this.)  

Your datacenter topology probably isn’t quite like my design. The key word here is “simplified.” You may well have at least two datacenters – but I only need to show one to convey the concepts involved.  

IP Transit Between Sites 

The first diagram below shows the generic setup, the simplest multi-site design. I’m ignoring sites with their own direct internet access here.  

This is the basic IP Transit design model. The Core Network has global routing only, so segmentation is not maintained between sites or from sites to datacenter. On the other hand, pxGrid or SXP can be leveraged on any firewalls in the path from users to servers, or can be used by Cisco ACI and ACI-controlled Nexus switches.  

Core VRFs 

As we saw previously, the next major step up in multi-site design supporting security (and related complexity) is doing VRF’s across the core. That takes a good bit of work to set up, but it is arguably a bit simpler.  

The following diagram attempts to show that stitched together with the prior fusion firewall diagram.  

With this approach, the core VRF’s interconnect sites, preserving segmentation. They also extend to the fusion firewalls, which merge and filter the traffic, routing it to exit into the global routing table to get to the rest of the datacenter. To restate that key point: the firewalls router between the VRF side of things in SD-Access-land, and the globally routed datacenter. The fusion firewalls have SXP and pxGrid available, to map user IP’s to SG’s for SGACL enforcement.  

SD-Access Transit 

The third design approach is SD-Access Transit. It is more complex in that it extends VXLAN across the network core. On the other hand, in some ways it simplifiesd global macro-segmentation. (I qualified that statement because the design is simplier but uses more complex technology, mostly invisible to the user unless it breaks.) 

The following diagram shows how SDA Transit works.  

SDA Transit uses automatic VXLAN tunnels between sites or to the datacenter BN’s. Separate logical or physical interfaces maintain the VN / VRF level segmentation into the fusion firewall (FFW). As before, the FFW has pxGrid and SXP available to differentiate security groups and enforce SGACL’s.  

In this approach, the VRF’s are automatically tunneled to the Border Nodes adjacent to the Fusion Firewalls. No configuration of VRF’s between hops to the datacenter.  

Manual configuration of VRF’s is still required at the datacenter edge, where traffic is routed via “VRF rainbow” (manually configured VRF’s and VLANs or interfaces) to the Fusion Firewalls.  


I’ve had the luxury of working in a lab. Lesson learned: the early CCC GUI was not great at un-doing configuration items – a good bit of manual cleanup might have been needed. It has since gotten better at that! 

There are strong benefits to getting your process nailed down beforehand. It’s not a steep learning curve. Getting your mistakes out of the way on a non-production network has value. It also has value when you want to check if something works the way you think it does.  

If you are considering SD-Access Transit, you’ll probably want to get that working in the lab, with a lab “datacenter” plus core (1 switch?) and a “remote site.” You should test failover at various points while you’re at it. That means two BN’s at the site and two in the data center, connected to your fusion firewall(s).  

If you’re doing WLAN, you might want to sort out the process around DHCP for fabric WLAN in the lab and make sure you understand how that interacts with ISE.  

A later blog will explicitly discuss what’s needed for a minimal lab supporting all SDA features.  


Network Performance 

Since we’re considering multiple sites, it is highly likely ISE and CCC are located in datacenters rather than at some or most sites. You’ll want to plan scalability. Also, you’ll want to consider latency and how that affects the performance of both ISE and CCC.  

ISE Requirements 

See ISE Performance & Scale, or your other favorite ISE scaling and performance guide. You’ll likely want redundant ISE, and for SDA, capacity to handle access for every device on the network, and allowing for growth.  

CCC Requirements 

For CCC, network latency of less than 100 msec round trip time is recommended. Up to 200 msec RTT can work but may reduce performance.  Cisco does not recommend any more than that. 

The RTT from network devices to DNA Center should be less than 100 msec. Higher latency will slow down various CCC activities, including Image Updates.  

See also the other CCC scaling information (CCC Scale Metrics). 


It is a good idea to get your ISE and CCC set up for HA, clusters, and scaled prior to deployment. You’ll also want to make sure you have two staff skilled at each (ISE, CCC) since both will become critical personnel. If they don’t work or are slow (ISE and CCC, hmm, or the staff members too!), your users won’t be productive, and you’ll have senior management breathing down your neck.   

Building skills is part of the preparation, particularly for multi-site SD-Access. Starting with ISE based functionality and transitioning to SDA is one approach that can provide time for skills-building by staff, time in which to gain experience.  

All this applies to datacenter buildout if you’re doing SDA Transit or fusion firewall buildout . Those components need to be up and stable pretty early in deployment.  

Which Interconnection Method?  

One critical item you probably ought to think about upfront is how you’ll interconnect the sites. Among other things, your decision will likely affect what equipment you order.  

Here are some thoughts about each of the three SD-Access methods of interconnecting sites:  

  • IP Transit (global routing or Core VRF’s between sites) 
  • Suitable for general IP routed WAN/core network.  
  • From the prior blog, note that very large sites may need more BN’s, separating internal border and external border nodes.  
  • If you’re doing per-VRF between sites, you’ll probably want to get all that built upfront. 
  • MPLS is one approach.  
  • VRF’s and plain routing with VRF’s is an alternative.  
  • Given the work either approach will take, you’ll probably want to plan and only go through it once. Most of the work will be creating the VRF’s, the sub-interfaces or VLANs, and the addressing for the infrastructure links in each VRF. That can all be done via template (assuming consistent device types / CLI). Extra points to you if you automate it!   
  • If you really want to, with the right equipment, etc., you might be able to also use inline SGT’s between sites. That could take a good bit of work! I don’t see why this would be worth the effort, given that you can use SXP at enforcement points.  
  • SD-Access Transit (VXLAN tunnels between sites) 
  • Higher speed Metro Area network (“MAN”) advisable, “campus-like” per the CVD.  
  • Low latency between sites. The CVD specifies less than 10 msec one-way.  
  • The intervening MAN must be able to forward jumbo MTUs of typically 9100 bytes without fragmentation.  
  • With those details in mind,  you should be thinking about DWDM, dark fiber, metro Ethernet, etc. 
  • You’ll need two standalone Transit Control Nodes, generally one per datacenter if you have two separate datacenters. They should not be in the traffic flow to ensure their CPU capacity is dedicated to fast responses for LISP requests.  
  • SD-WAN Integration (extend VRF’s to SD-WAN router, it extends them across the WAN). 
  • Lower speed WAN 
  • Tolerates higher latency between sites 
  • More complex, in that you will need Cisco SD-WAN and that skillset as well. If non-Cisco SD-WAN, have fun and good luck! 

Site Names and Hierarchy 

When I first saw some of the Cisco videos about CCC, they started with the site hierarchy. I’ve taught network management in the past, and going into admin, RBAC, or setup stuff at the beginning is a real attention killer. My reaction was this is boring admin stuff; SHOW ME THE GOOD STUFF! As in, something that provides value.  

Well, to some extent, that’s all true. BUT! In another very real sense, working with CCC does start with the site hierarchy. Regions, buildings, floors.  

So, I recommend getting that out of the way and doing it well. This is one thing you really are not going to want to have to redo: most things in CCC are organized around the site hierarchy. So get it right the first time! 

I used to joke that server people, phone people, and network groups each have site names that are about 80% the same and 20% different from each other’s names. (This used to come up when correlating site circuit data from phone or WAN people and network device inventories from network people. And thank goodness I haven’t had to play that game lately.) 

So, you’re going to need to get a good set of authoritative site names, ones that everyone will recognize and use. And tie that to a clean device naming scheme.  

I’m big on authoritative names. I like building site names or well-defined abbreviations of them into device names and other things. That list of site names is an important first step.  

Next, you’ll want to consider how you want to group them. By continent? By country? Are there different regional teams managing sites? Etc. You’ll need groupings if you’re doing separate latency-based SD-Transit “pockets” for each continent or country/adjacent group of countries.  

You’ll also want to know about the buildings at a site. How many floors? Can you get floor maps for WLAN? Key question: what are their street address(es) so that CCC can fill in Latitude and Longitude and do mapping for you, where possible?  

Which Segments? 

Just in case you missed it: do not start with many segments; you’ll hate yourself!  

Start with the minimum tolerable level of segmentation that sets you up with the key security groupings you’ll need going forward.  

This is a good time to talk to various teams about the security and regulatory requirements. You’ll want to find out what the written and the understood policies are around HIPAA and PHI, PCI, and PII. You’ll also want to find out about other regulated or protected items, e.g., criminal and security info systems that a government public safety group ties into. Be sure to do your due diligence to at least find out what such items might be and what the network currently does to secure them.  

Ideally, the organization will have written policies for each such set of regulated or protected items. As the saying goes, “get it in writing.”  

In reality, you may find the organization lacks necessary documents, or they are unclear and fail to provide you with actionable requirements. Been there, done that. Document your efforts to obtain the information (aka “CYA”), then do something rational. Document what that is, and why you think it is sufficiently secure.  

The challenge here is that identifying and meeting with all the relevant groups can take up a lot of time. Pinning down policies, even longer. With management approval, you may (or may not) want to move your SD-Access project along, on the assumption that SD-Access can accommodate most of the forms of network boundaries short of air gaps, and assuming you will be able to adjust if needed in the future. Otherwise, you may end up waiting a long time for the benefits of SD-Access (assuming that’s why you’re trying to do it in the first place).  

All this drives your initial set of VN’s and SG’s.  

Different types of sites, e.g., office versus factory (“OT”), should also be considered. Conceivably, you might have one set of VN’s and SG’s for offices, another for factory/warehouse, with some overlap for office/management staff at such sites.  

Security Strategy 

Another planning item is a security strategy. Where are the various enforcement points?  

These devices/rulesets control each of the following: 

  • User to user, different SG’s in same VN 
  • User to user, different SG’s in different VN’s 
  • User to server / VM, for the various SG’s and VN’s 
  • User to Internet flows 
  • Server to server/app to app / VM to VM in the data center(s) 

Enforcement points generally include:  

  • SDA fabric  
  • Fusion firewall (or router) 
  • Server firewall / ACI / NSX 
  • Edge firewall/complex (IPS, etc.) 

IP Pools 

Each fabric site is going to need several IP pools, including some pool names that repeat for each VN.  

Do you want sites to be a summarizable IP block? Or do you want to have several blocks based on functionality, e.g., VoIP pools out of a bigger overall VoIP pool? Do you want summarization by site, or by function / VN, or what?  

Note that summarizability is not a requirement for SDA. I happen to default to site-summarizability, since I think it helps to have some idea where the endpoints of a network flow are located. Some people like being able to look at a prefix and spot that it is VoIP, for instance. I prefer VoIP to be a uniform sub-block out of the site block to get site and function by knowing how the site blocks are carved up. Note that if VOIP is viewed as user traffic, addressing will default to the user addressing space. Addressing it differently for e.g. handsets would take extra effort.  

CAUTION: Note that E-911 location factors into that part of the design! 

Some E-911 products assume the subnet indicates which closet/closet switch a device is wired to. Unless you design and build out SDA that way, which takes extra effort, SDA subnets will be site-wide, which then breaks E-911 location to the closet level. That would NOT be good! 

Tied into this, when I do a network assessment, I look for rationality to the addressing. Is there a list of, say, 20-30 blocks that tells me a lot about what’s where? Or is that list on the wall going to be 1,000 entries because /24’s were given out in ad hoc fashion? (That’s why I advocate planning your IP pools.) 

Your preferences likely vary.  

Note: I am likely to separately blog about this topic in more detail, including the complicating factor of how big the various pools need to be. It’s too much to include here.  


Late Addition: In a later blog we’ll see that addressing summarizing by VN / VRF may be useful when you have non-SGT-aware security enforcement points.  

IP Multicast? 

I tend to assume that servers doing IP multicast will likely be in the data center, so why not put the anycast PIM RP’s one each in two data centers, in a global routing context? Yes, I’m assuming the ASM form of multicast.  

If you’re doing SDA Transit, you’ll have to consider tunneled IP multicast versus using native SSM instead to transport multicast.  

You can have RP’s in fabric sites. I prefer not to, assuming that doing so increases complexity.  

Oh, and be sure to lab the multicast.  

Testing IP multicast can be fun, especially with a fusion firewall in the path.  

Here’s a quick sketch of how you might do that simply:  

  • Do a joint interface somewhere other than the RP (global context and/or in another fabric site).  
  • Send a multicast ping in a VRF from a remote fabric site, to transmit multicast into the network.  
  • You may well not get replies back if a firewall is in the path (multicast out, unicast back = firewall unhappy with the replies).  
  • Instead, look at your mroute counters along the path to see if they’re incrementing, say every 5-10 seconds.  
  • You can set ping to send say 1 million pings. Timeout 0 makes it a bit of a firehose, which may work or may get dropped for various reasons.  

If multicast doesn’t seem to be working, then you’ll have to troubleshoot it, which falls well outside the scope for this blog! 


Past CiscoLive presentations on SDA can be very helpful. There are a lot of them! 

Newly added vCiscoLive slides (as of 9/10/2020): 


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